Infographics - visually clear communication information.

Website Development with WildWeb Studio

Infographics is a visual (graphical) representation information, data or knowledge in the form of graphs, tables, diagrams, and pictures.

Infographics are used to present information quickly and clearly. Creating an infographic is a visualization of data.

At the same time, infographics should not be designed in a haphazard way, all elements should be harmoniously combined with each other, convey a certain idea, depict a process, otherwise the consumer will not understand anything

Website Development with WildWeb Studio

Types of infographics

  • statistical
  • chronological;
  • geographical;
  • comparative.
  • structural;
  • hierarchical;
  • interactive;
  • process infographics;
  • infographics
  • text formatting;
  • image-based infographics.

Designing the best infographics: basic rules

  1. The simpler the better. Forget about complicated tables, charts, graphs, they are as poorly perceived as solid text.
  2. Use a contrasting color to control the reader’s attention.
    Highlight the main points that are worth paying attention to.
  3. This can be done using color, shape, size, 3D effect, sharpness, and other design techniques.
  1. Use full-fledged images. It’s better to use photos to explain some schemes. They will give the infographic more realism.
  2. Don’t ignore the entertainment format. Funny memes and pictures are often used by serious publications and companies. The most important thing is that the humor is appropriate.
  3. Explain. If a chart, icon, or graph is difficult to understand, use text and numbers, and summarize the main concepts

Where is infographics used?

Timeline infographic

This is a graphical way of presenting a historical sequence of events or the development of a process or phenomenon in the form of a line chart that shows time, from beginning to end. The main purpose of such infographics is to convey information about the sequence of events or stages in time in a concise and visual way. Important dates on a regular timeline are marked with tags, dates in the air, illustrations, or photos

Infographics of the process (“steps”)

It is a graphical method of visualizing information that aims to present a sequence of steps or stages of a certain process. This type of infographic helps to simplify and clearly present a complex process, making it easy to understand and use. It can contain numerous graphic elements, such as arrows, labels, numbers, that help define each step and the sequence of tasks.

Infographic comparison (“for/against”)

It is a graphical method of presenting information that is designed to visualize the differences or similarities between two (sometimes more) concepts, objects, or notions. This type of infographic can be useful for highlighting the benefits of a product to help people make a choice in favor of the product that best suits their needs.

Statistical infographic

It is a form of graphical representation of information used to visualize numerical data, statistics, and reports. The main purpose of such infographics is to provide a clear and concise way to highlight complex numerical relationships, trends, comparisons, and other statistical indicators. It can be used to make facts and statistics more interesting to read; to present the results of a survey or study.

Website Development with WildWeb Studio
Data visualization is extremely important. You can take data and turn it into eye-catching graphics that effectively tell people a story.
Creating infographics is a rather complicated and painstaking task, because you need not just a beautiful picture, but also an understanding of the essence of the process depicted.
As the amount of information grows, the ability to effectively communicate this information through data becomes key. So, use modern types of infographics and their combinations in your work to make it easier for your audience to understand the information.

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